Our Office
Monday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 1:00pm
*Closed between 1pm-2pm daily
There are many reasons that Dr. Muneer and you, the patient, may decide together as a team that you will need a tooth extraction. You may have a tooth or teeth that are severely decayed and cannot be fixed, or they may be broken and not able to be repaired. Some of our patients suffer from advanced periodontal disease and must have a tooth or teeth extracted. Some teeth need to be removed because of the way they are positioned in the mouth; for example, in the case of a patient that has impacted teeth. Other patients may need a tooth removed in advance for an orthodontic treatment.
Even removing one single tooth can cause issues when you eat. You may also experience problems with your teeth shifting or in the joints of your jaw. All of these examples can cause you to have problems later on with your dental health.
We can help you to avoid these complications in many cases. Dr. Muneer will sit and explain the alternatives to having an extraction done, including how to replace the extracted tooth if you do need to continue with the procedure.
We will do everything that we can to make the extraction process as pain-free as possible! We will start off by numbing the area where the extraction is about to take place. This includes the actual tooth, as well as the gums surrounding it and your jaw bone. We will use a local anesthetic to numb the area so you feel as little pain as possible.
While the extraction process is taking place, you may feel pressure in the area. However, the pressure is not the same as pain, as the anesthetic will have numbed the nerves that cause you to feel pain. The nerves that actually transmit the pressure feeling are not affected.
Please alert Dr. Muneer or our staff if you do start feeling any type of pain during the extraction process.
In some cases, a tooth will require sectioning, which is a very ordinary procedure we do with our patients. Some teeth are anchored very firmly down into their sockets or roots to the point that the socket cannot be widened enough to remove the tooth. If this is the case, Dr. Muneer will just cut your tooth carefully into sections so that one section can be removed at a time.
A blood clot must form after your tooth extraction in order for the bleeding to stop and for the healing process to begin. We will provide you with a gauze pad to bite down on for 30-45 minutes after your dental appointment. You may find that you need to use another gauze pad for an additional 30 minutes if the bleeding doesn’t stop. Don’t worry if you must do this a few times in order to stop the blood flow, as this is normal.
You will want to be careful that you do not dislodge the clot after it forms, as this can cause the healing process to get set back. Please do not rinse your mouth out vigorously with any liquid, do not smoke, suck on straws, brush your teeth near the site of the extraction or drink alcohol for about 72 hours afterward. Do not exercise vigorously for the next 24 hours either, as exercise can increase your blood pressure and cause the extraction site to start bleeding again.
It is normal to feel some pain and swelling after you have a tooth extracted. An ice pack will help keep the swelling down and will ease the pain you may be feeling. You can even use a bag of frozen vegetables to apply to the area to reduce swelling. Most swelling will subside on its own after 48 hours.
Pain medication may also be used as directed by our office. You may have been prescribed antibiotics from our office, which must be taken until the prescription is gone. Even if the swelling and/or pain goes away, keep taking the antibiotics. If you feel like your medication is not working, please give our office a call right away.
The day of the extraction, drink a lot of fluids to help keep you hydrated. You can eat soft, nutritious foods that day and return to normal foods when you feel comfortable.
After 24 hours are up, resume your typical dental routine. You need to brush and floss your teeth regularly, as this can speed up the healing process and keep your mouth feeling clean and fresh!
In a few days your mouth should feel fine. You can then resume all of your normal activities. Any heavy bleeding, ongoing swelling, severe pain or a reaction to any medication should be reported to us immediately. Call our office if you are having any of these problems or have any questions or concerns.
Monday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 1:00pm
*Closed between 1pm-2pm daily