How to care for your dentures
Dr. Muneer and staff are here to help you with your oral health needs and to address any issues you may have with your dentures or a partial.
- A soft, nylon denture brush should be used daily to brush your dentures both inside and out.
- Toothpaste should not be used with dentures. We recommend using denture pastes and then rinsing your dentures with cold water, as they can warp if placed in hot water.
- Check your dentures regularly for any worn teeth, as worn dentures can cause them to function poorly and lead to headaches.
- Stained dentures may cause you to look older than you are. We have special machines and cleaners that can clean your dentures gently, without damage, at your re-care appointments.
- Talk to us about any medications or prescriptions you may be taking.
- Loose denture? Please call us as soon as you can. Loose dentures may cause pressure and friction on your gum tissue and bones. When left alone for a long time, sores caused by loose dentures have lead to mouth cancers. Take your dentures out every night to allow your gums some rest. Soak the dentures in either a denture-cleaning solution or warm water to keep them moist. Your dental insurance policy usually provides coverage for five years towards new dentures.
- After taking your dentures out, cover them with either a denture-cleaning solution or warm water to keep them moist.
- Your dental insurance policy usually provides coverage for five years towards new dentures.